Sunday, August 24, 2008

Week of Big Events!

I am sitting here watching the closing ceremonies for the Olympics - and I want to know what the Chinese are on.

So this was a big week. I started my last semester of law school, my friends JoAnne and Brian welcomed their little girl Maddie and Awna is leaving for France! Big week! We visited little Maddie in the hospital on her second day of life and I think she's one cute little baby and from here on out, whenever I see an alpaca I will think of her.

On Sunday we went up the AV for the Fair - it was 110 degrees and it was bad, that's all I have to say about that.

Sunday night we went to a lovely little Morrocan place in San Pedro for Awna's last going away party - it was a lot of fun and I really like Morrocan food. Bye Awna, have fun in France, one day I will give you my email address :)

Tim just finished cleaning the ferret cage - he really is the best huband ever. He literally just cleaned out crap from a cage for over an hour.

Next week we leave for Mexico - woo hoo!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

I am a trooper and unhealthy relationships suck.

Last week I was hit with the plague - good news is that I got to catch-up on all my Jon & Kate Plus Eight episodes. Bad news I used some of the PTO time that I was going to use for our Mexican Holiday (coming up on 8/31).

I started my last semester of law school and my professor is psycho. If your reading this professor - I think your psycho and please turn down the air conditioning in our classroom.

So I am a trooper because I did a wedding on Saturday (while I was in the middle of the plague) and it was awesome. Then I had a lovely dinner party on Sunday night, (I was convinced the plague was gone by then), in celebration of my friend Awna leaving for France at the end of the month. Thank you again Peggy for the lovely creme puffs which capped off a lovely french themed meal.

The thing that is weighing heavily on my mind this week is people who choose to surround themselves with unhealthy relationships - whether it be a friend, co-worker, husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. So, I would like to end this week by putting my two cents in about things that might lead you to think your are in an unhealthy relationship:
1) When the person meets your parents they bring a fifth of _______ (fill in the blank).
2) When the person is meeting your friends for the first time at a bar, they walk to the bar first before saying hello to your table.
3) The person is not employed.
4) The person is physically abusive.
5) The person leaves nasty vm for your family members/friends.
6) The person tries to physically abuse your family/friends.
7) You find yourself making excuses for the persons behavior.
8) The person has cheated on you, or you think the person may have cheated on you.
9) The person doesn't take you on actual dates. You just hang out.
10) You think the person might have a criminal past.
11) You have never met the persons family.
12) The person gives you hickeys.
13) You think the person might be an alcoholic - but they would never admit it.
14) The person has damage to their car because of an alcohol related incident.
15) You were in the car when #14 happened.
16) Your relationships with the people closest to you begins to fade because they don't like the person in question.

I am done.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I've still got it.

Yesterday, Saturday, was my Aunt's 50th birthday party. I had been planning to drink at this even for sometime - and I came through. Still, my liver astounds me. Granted, I am not a small, frail little butterfly - but, I can really throw them back. As the Irish would say - I have a hollow leg. In college I would have a few drinks and be done. Now, I have built a tolerance I am quite proud of. The event was great. I kept most of my clothes on and I woke up the next morning fresh as a daisy. Thank you liver, thank you.