Monday, November 15, 2010

Ready for the Holidays...

Here is Quinn playing with her friends Kate and Charlie:

So so so ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm still pondering where we should take our annual Christmas photo. Ahhhh, the things I ponder these days. Weight Watchers is going really well - I'm down 15 and I on track for my 1/2 way goal by Christmas. Woo-hoo! I can't wait for stuffing and candied sweet potatoes!

Again, so thankful for my moms group. Love the playdates! More so, I love the ability to stay home with my little girl.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween and the like:

Whelan Family - Yabba Dabba Do!

Little Pebbles:

Halloween was awesome. We had a party at my parent's house and per usual, Quinn was quite the little social butterfly. I am very proud to report that I actually MADE her costume. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but I can always say that I made my little girl's first Halloween costume.
I am really looking forward to the holidays this year - I really think I have Quinn to thank for that.
Job hunting is still on hold until after the New Year - I check the job sites daily just to see what I am missing and to see what the market is like. I miss work, but I think at this point I would miss my little girl more if I were to return back to work.
My days now are spent thinking of new ways to entertain my 5-month old. Like I said, we go on a lot of walks, shopping, music classes - I am debating whether or not to enroll her in swim classes - we'll see. She's been teething lately, so it's been interesting see her go from happy-bo-bappy to hating the world. She just has such a GREAT personality.
What I am most thankful for right now (besides my family/friends) is the El Segundo MOM Club. It's a great organization run by local moms. There is pretty much something to do everyday and I have made some great friends. I just love having something to look forward to - sometimes the days run together, but at least I know every Thurs. we have a coffee playdate.
Tim and I have decided to move. We hate our apt/condo. It's just way too noisey. Our lease is up in Feb - so we are going to start looking for a new place in ES in December. I'm hoping that we can rent a house with a backyard, so both Quinn and the pups will have some room to roam around.
Weight Watchers is also going well. Month 2 is beginning. I'm hoping to make it to my 1/2 way goal before Christmas. This week I feel was kind of a bust - but I weigh in tomorrow and the scales never lie.