Monday, August 31, 2009

101 Thing to do in 1001 Days

(the first 35)

My list:

Purchase a new car so I can get rid of my astronomical car payment.
Move into a new place/purchase a home.
Start adding more money to my savings acct.
Look into the idea of expanding our family.
Being nicer to the ferrets.
Taking the dogs on more walks.
Attend the gym at least 3x’s a week.
Read 25 books, first up: The Lovely Bones.
Get on an airplane.
Go to Canada to see the Winter Olympics.
Get to San Diego.
Grow my hair, then cut it and donate it.
Get back into painting – I’m really good at it.
Pass the bar.
Start eating at a new restaurant at least 3x’s a month.
Take a legit 2-week vacation with Tim. No more of this one week or 2 day bullshit.
Make a new good friend who lives close.
Learn Spanish, well more fluently anyway.
Complete a half-marathon.
Not step foot into a Cold Stones.
Walk out of Target without spending over $50.
Learn Microsoft Excel.
Take a Pilates class.
Take a yoga class without bursting into laughter.
Starting learning more about wine, so I can be an official wino.
Go on a boat.
Go on a cruise.
Drink more water.
Learn to make a new dish.
Stop eating so much bread and cheese.
Go to Palm Springs.
Take a road trip across the U.S.
Take a dance class with Tim.
Go to the beach more.
Wear daily sun block/moisturizer on my face.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I have come to a point in life where I have begun to ask myself, "What's next?"

Tim and I have been married for over 2 years, he's an atty and I am the closest you can come to becoming an atty without actually being one. We both make good money, drive nice cars, live by the beach, travel, drink wine and eat at nice restaurants and we treat our families to the finer things in life. But are we willing to sacrifice the above all in the name of having some $ in savings in order to purchase a home?

So here are some of our goals for the next 6 months:
  • Purchase a new car so I can cut down on my astronomical car payment.
  • Move into a new place: Not purchase a house, but a bigger apartment/house/townhome that the doggies won't ruin and where Tim and I won't bump into each other every 5 seconds.
  • Start depositing money into a savings acct: We both have one, but we need to start putting money into it. (I am proud of myself for starting a 401k at work though).
  • Possibly explore the possibility of expanding our family. Possibly: Before I was dead set on the idea of not bringing a child into the world where he/she's parents don't own a home. But, the fact that Tim and I are both financially stable is starting to weigh on my mind.
  • Get more active - both physically and through volunteering: Now that I'm not going to law school in the evenings, I have a lot of extra free time and instead of doing good I am going out drinking with friends or laying on the couch with Tim. I have emailed all the L.A. Law Clinics and they are full - maybe I'll look into feeding the homeless.
  • Start reading more: I have already finished Time Traveler's Wife and just started The Lovely Bones. I really like reading, not law school reading, but reading reading :)
That's all for now :)

Sometimes I want to squeeze them like Lenny from Mice and Men

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hello Again

I have decided to post again - after a year. A few updates:

  • I graduated from law school, Tim threw an awesome party.
  • I have taken the Bar (twice) and am waiting for results (11/20).
  • Both Tim and I have new jobs. He is working in Encino doing insurance defense and I am working in El Segundo for a bankruptcy consulting firm.

I just found this neato site that I am going to try out.

I'm gonna make a list and follow it :)