Wednesday, July 30, 2008

...And we're off.

Why hello.

I am not a sheep - but I will blog to both keep my sanity and keep people in the now.

So I am enjoying the rest of my summer "vacation" - my last semester of law school begins in about 2-weeks. My goal for these next couple of weeks:
1) Pay off the rest of my bar prep class.
2) Mail off my moral application.
3) Book a hotel room for the bar.

Oh - did I mention that I have to drive to the valley campus for this next semester. Despite the fact that my school is literally a mile down the road from where I work. I love driving up the 405 during rush hour.

Tim and I just got back from a weekend "Save the Marriage/Escape L.A. " to Solvang. It was fun and I will definately be hosting a "drink all our wine dinner" very soon. Check your inboxes. We are hoping that this little get-away will tide us over until our real week long cruise to Mexico at the end of August, (I love having something to look forward to).

I recently survived my first "high-rise" earthquake - I work on the 14th floor and we rolled through it. I was petrified and was literally sick to my stomach for the rest of the day. Major shout-out to some of my homies who were taking the bar in Ontario during the earthquake - man what are the odds!

My local girlfriends are all leaving me - one is heading to NY for over a week and the other is leaving for France at the end of August. Sucks.

That's all for now.

I submit.